

God’s Plan for Salvation: The Covenant

From the beginning, God has described His relationship to man in terms of a covenant.  The basic covenant has remained essentially the same. “I will be your God, and you shall be My people” (Heb. 8:10). The Hebrew word for covenant is related to a word meaning “to eat.”  Early covenants in the ancient near east were traditionally ratified with a meal, and God’s was as well (Ex. 24:11, Matt. 26:27-29)


God’s first covenant was broken by the Israelites.  Though He was faithful, they were not (Jer. 7:23-24).  God still desires a people that He can have a covenant relationship with.  He has now offered a new covenant with better promises than the old covenant for all those that would seek Him (Heb. 8:6).


God made a covenant with the nation of Israel. Exodus 6:3-7

-       God laid out the terms. (Ex. 19:1-6)

-       Israel agreed to the terms. (Ex. 19:7-8)


God and Israel officially ratified the covenant. Exodus 24:1-11

-       By officially declaring agreement. (3, 7)

-       By the offering of sacrifices. (5)

-       By the blood of the covenant. (6, 8)

-       By a fellowship meal with God. (9-11)


God’s purpose behind the covenant was to make men holy. Leviticus 19:1-2

-       The book of Leviticus states, “I am the Lord your God,” over and over.

-       Their obedience was to be prompted by the holy nature of God.


God’s covenant was broken by Israel. Jeremiah 7:23-24; 11:10


God promised he would make a new covenant. Jeremiah 31:31-34

-       God said of Israel, “You are not My people, and I am not your God.” (Hos. 1:9)

-       He promised a day when this would no longer be the case. (Hos. 1:10-11)

-       Ezekiel prophesied of this same day. (Eze. 37:11-14)


God has established a new covenant through Christ. Hebrews 8; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

-       We have a better sacrifice. (Heb. 10:4-10)

-       We have access to better cleansing blood. (Heb. 9:11-14)

-       We partake of a “fellowship meal” with God. (1 Cor. 11:23-26)